Future Directors Terms and Conditions
The following terms have the following meaning and definitions:
A) Additional Charges include all delivery, handling and storage charges; goods and services tax; stamp duty; interest; legal and other costs of recovery of unpaid money, and all other government imposts; and all money, other than the purchase fee, payable by the Customer to Future Directors Institute arising out of the sale of the goods or the provision of the services.
B) Alternative Event means the event for the Customer’s booking following the transfer of the booking to another event, by Future Directors Institute, nominated by the Customer;
C) Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in New South Wales, Australia unless stated otherwise and related to a different timezone;
D) Cancellation Date means the date upon which a cancellation of the booking has occurred, prior to the event.
E) Course means a training program purchased as a one time fee.
F) Customer means the Customer who purchases a subscription, event ticket or course from Future Directors Institute.
G) Event means the event held by Future Directors Institute the Customer has elected to attend, including an Alternative Event.
H) Fee means the price of tickets, courses, or a subscription.
I) Future Directors Institute or abbreviations Future Directors or FDI, means XY on Boards Pty Ltd ACN 605 564 501 t/a Future Directors Institute.
J) GST means Goods and Services Tax.
L) Services means those services sold by Future Directors Institute to the Customer, including, but not limited to, subscriptions, tickets to events.
M) Subscription means a service accessible after purchasing a subscription through the website members.futuredirectors.com (the Subscription), currently named Future Directors Hub.
P) Terms and Conditions means this document.
Q) Value means the monetary fee advertised for the service at the Cancellation date in Australian Dollars, unless stated in another currency.
R) Website means www.futuredirectors.com or any website used, from time to time, by Future Directors Institute.
These Terms and Conditions are current for trading with Future Directors Institute at the time of issue; however, the Terms and Conditions may vary from time to time.
3. Provision of Courses or Events Services
3.1 Acceptance of a booking
A) A booking is accepted by Future Directors Institute, following receipt of full-payment, or a 10% non-refundable deposit, where this option is available, being made by the Customer to Future Directors Institute. FDI will confirm the booking by email and/or SMS confirmation.
B) An acceptance of a booking by Future Directors Institute is deemed to be an acceptance by Future Directors Institute and the Customer of these Terms and Conditions.
3.2 Cancellation and Transfer courses & events
Cancellation must be provided by notice in writing to Future Directors Institute.
3.3. Cancellation by Customer more than 31 days prior to the event.
A) Any booking cancellation for a training program, short course or special event 31 days prior to the event will result in loss of the 10% non-refundable deposit paid at time of booking.
B) If the course has been paid in full then Future Directors will issue a refund less the 10% deposit paid.
C) Alternatively subject to availability, the booking may be transferred to a future dated, same or similar, event within 12 months of the date of the original event that is nominated by the Customer.
3.4 Any cancellation less than 31 days prior to the event will incur a 100% cancellation charge.
Subject to availability, and if requested to do so, in writing, the booking may be transferred to a future dated, same or similar event within 6 months of the date of the original event that is nominated by the Customer.
3.5 Cancellation of course or event by Future Directors Institute
In the event of a cancellation, Future Directors Institute will work with the Customer to;
A) Subject to availability, transfer the booking to another date, for a similar event, nominated by the Customer.
B) Provide the Customer with a full refund.
C) In the event a booking is transferred to an Alternative Event, and the Value of the Alternative Event is lower than the Value of the original event, the Customer will receive a partial refund of the difference in Value.
D) In the event a booking is transferred to an Alternative Event, under this clause, and the Value of the Alternative Event is higher than the Value of the original event, the Customer agrees to pay the difference in Value to Future Directors Institute at the time of the agreement to transfer the booking.
4. Provision of Subscription Services
4.1 About the Service
A) Future Directors Hub is a web based service for hosting member short courses, (specific to the platform events, resources and community profiles).
B) Free, Premium and Masterclass Programs plans are currently offered. You acknowledge and agree that the accounts offered, as well as the account features may change from time to time, and may be governed by separate terms which apply specific to the account. Where special account-specific terms apply, you will be informed, and must accept those terms before you are given such an account. For the avoidance of doubt these Terms apply unless otherwise agreed or amended by account-specific terms.
C) Some features may be governed by a separate Software Licensing Agreement with Might Networks , which may amend the terms of use. For the avoidance of doubt these Terms apply unless otherwise agreed or amended by the terms of an applicable Software Licensing Agreement.
4.2. Acceptable use of the service
A) Future Directors Hub, its related features, and website must only be used lawfully. reserves the right to suspend, cancel, or otherwise deny access to users and accounts who use the service:
(i) To engage in any act that would disrupt the access, availability, and security of and other Future Directors Institute services, including but not limited to: a) Tampering with, reverse-engineering, or hacking our servers. b) Modifying, disabling, or compromising the performance of Future Directors Hub or other Future Directors Institute services. c) Overwhelming, or attempting to overwhelm our infrastructure by imposing an unreasonably large load on our systems that consume extraordinary resources. d) Compromising the integrity of our system, including probing, scanning and testing the vulnerability of our system unless expressly permitted by Future Directors Institute.
B) For any illegal purpose, or to violate any laws, including and without limitation to data, privacy, and export control laws.
C) To stalk, harass or threaten users and any member of the public.
D) To misrepresent or defraud any user or member of the public through phishing, spoofing, manipulating headers or other identifiers, impersonating anyone else, or falsely implying any sponsorship or association with or any third party
E) To access or search any part of the Service, or any other Service owned by other than our publicly supported interface, or otherwise allowed for in an applicable Software Licensing Agreement.
F) To post, upload, share, or otherwise circulate content in violation of ’s content policy
4.3. Subscription to use the Service
A) In order to access the Services, you must first purchase a subscription through the Website (the 'Subscription') and pay the applicable fee for the selected Subscription (the 'Subscription Fee'). After purchasing a Subscription, you will be considered a member (‘Member’).
B) In purchasing the Subscription, you acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to ensure that the Subscription you elect to purchase is suitable for your use.
C) Before, during or after you have purchased the Subscription, you will then be required to register for an account through the Website before you can access the Services (the ' Account').
D) As part of the registration process, or as part of your continued use of the Services, you may be required to provide personal information about yourself (such as identification or contact details), including but not limited to name, address, email address, date of birth, phone number, payment information.
E) You warrant that any information you give to Future Directors Institute in the course of completing the registration process will always be accurate, correct and up to date.
F) Once you have completed the registration process, you will be a registered user of the Website and agree to be bound by the Terms ("User"). As a Member you will be granted immediate access to the Services from the time you have completed the registration process until the subscription period expires (the 'Subscription Period').
G) You may not use the Services and may not accept the Terms if:
i) you are not of legal age to form a binding contract with Future Directors Institute; or
ii) you are a person barred from receiving the Services under the laws of News South Wales, Australia or other countries including the country in which you are resident or from which you use the Services
4.4 Payments
A) Subject to the terms of any applicable Software License Agreement, the Subscription Fee may be paid by all payment methods available on the Website, and may change from time to time.
B) Payments made in the course of your use of Future Directors Hub may be made using third-party applications and services not owned, operated, or otherwise controlled by Future Directors Institute. You acknowledge and agree that Future Directors Institute will not be liable for any losses or damage arising from the operations of third-party payment applications and services. You further acknowledge and warrant that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the applicable third-party payment applications and services you choose to use as a payment method for services.
C) You acknowledge and agree that where a request for the payment of the Subscription Fee is returned or denied, for whatever reason, by your financial institution or is unpaid by you for any other reason, then you are liable for any costs, including banking fees and charges, associated with the Subscription Fee.
D) You agree and acknowledge that Future Directors Institutecan vary the Subscription Fee at any time and that the varied Subscription Fee will come into effect following the conclusion of the existing Subscription.
4.5 Cancellations & Refunds
A) Future Directors Institute will only provide you with a refund of the Subscription Fee in the event they are unable to continue to provide the Services or if the manager of XY on Boards Pty Ltd makes a decision, at its absolute discretion, that it is reasonable to do so under the circumstances . Where this occurs, the refund will be in the proportional amount of the Subscription Fee that remains unused by the Member (the 'Refund').
B) The Customer may cancel their paid subscription at any time.
C) If your Premium Service is terminated, or you terminate your subscription yourself, Future Directors Institute will not refund any payment for your unused Premium Service..
D) If Future Directors Institute terminates your Premium Service for violation of the terms of this Agreement or our policies, Future Directors Institue will not refund any amount paid for unused Service.
5. Use of photography/video and audio during Future Directors Institute events
The Customer acknowledges and agrees to the following:
A) During the course of any Event, the Customer may be photographed or video-recorded during the Event. The Customer hereby consents to the use of these photographs and/or videos without compensation, on the Future Directors Institute website, social media page or in any editorial, promotional or advertising material produced and/or published by Future Directors Institute both online and/or in print. If the Customer does not wish to have their image used they must contact FDI in writing; and
B) Audio and video cameras are not allowed to be utilised by the Customer during the course of the Event, however, the Customer is allowed to take still photographs using a camera or mobile phone device. Any recordings taken by the Customer in contravention of this clause can be confiscated and deleted by Future Directors Institute and may result in the Customer being removed from further participation in the Event and any future events. In such cases where the participation is paid, the Customer will not be refunded any payment for current or future events.
6. Fee variations
The Customer acknowledges and agrees that:
A) Fees are subject to change and Future Directors Institute will inform the Customer accordingly if there is a change in fees; and
B) The Customer must pay the fee for the course, subscription or ticket and any applicable GST, on or before the due date for payment, stated in the relevant invoice or booking cut off date, issued by Future Directors Institute.
7. Limitation of Liability
The Customer acknowledges and agrees that:
A) Certain laws imply terms, conditions and warranties (prescribed terms) into contracts for the supply of services and prohibit the exclusion, restriction or modification of such terms, conditions and warranties. The liability of Future Directors Institute in respect of a breach of a prescribed term or any warranty made under these terms and conditions of sale is limited, to the extent permissible by law, and at the option of Future Directors Institute to the supply of the services again; or the repayment of the cost of having the services supplied again; and
B) Unless the terms and warranties are included in these Terms and Conditions, all prior discussions, quotations, warranties and Prescribed Terms, to the extent permitted by law, are excluded and Future Directors Institute will not be liable for any loss or damage or for consequential loss or damage of any kind arising out of the supply or failure to supply of the services or arising out of Future Directors Institute’s negligence or in any way whatsoever.
8. Disclaimer
The Customer acknowledges and accepts that:
A) The Event is for the Customer’s enjoyment. The content of the Event including any publication is intended only to provide a summary and general overview on business. It is not intended to be comprehensive, nor does it constitute legal or accounting advice; and
B) The Customer should seek legal or other professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content provided by Future Directors Institute. Future Directors Institute is not responsible to the Customer or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of any information obtained as a result of the Event and any content or publications provided. Future Directors Institute makes no warranties or representations about any of the content provided throughout the Event. Future Directors Institute excludes, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability which may arise as a result of the use of any content or information provided during the Event.
9. Severability and Jurisdiction
The Customer expressly agrees that the foregoing provisions in these Terms and Conditions are intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the state in which the event is being held and if any portion of this Agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.
The Customer further acknowledges and agrees that these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales, Australia.
10. Payment Authority
A) The Customer hereby authorises any and all payments due to Future Directors Institute by the Customer.
C) Billing questions can be directed by email to hello@futuredirectors.com
11. Acknowledgment of Understanding
A) The Customer acknowledges that the Customer is agreeing to these Terms and Conditions freely and voluntarily and intends, by their agreement, that this document be a complete and unconditional release of liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.
B) The Customer further certifies that the Customer has fully read and understands the terms of this Terms and Conditions and will comply with the contents herein.