“Leaders don’t rise to the occasion, they drop to the level of their preparation.”


Hi, my name is Paul Smith, founder of the Future Directors Institute.

As a board director coach, international non-executive director, keynote speaker, podcast host and award-winning author, who has helped launch and accelerate the careers of thousands of conscious leaders, I understand the challenges you face when trying to secure your ideal values-aligned board roles and create lasting change from the boardroom.

Directors come to me to learn how to secure their ideal values-aligned board role, and how to cultivate inclusive and diverse decision-making processes, increase individual and collective board performance, and drive world leading governance standards for the benefit of all.

If this sounds like your audience then I’d love to work with you…


A few of the people I’ve worked with…

Keynote Presentations & Topics

If you have a specific event theme or topic you would like covered, Paul will work with you to develop concepts that will resonate strongly with your audience. This is a selection of his most popular presentations.



The Future of Governance….is now


 How to build the High Performing Board of the Future


Diversity & Inclusion in the Modern Boardroom



Cultivating Generational Intelligence


 How to become a high performance Board Director


 Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders


Getting into Governance: Is it too early to consider a board career?


 Effective Decision-making


Finding your Voice in the Boardroom


Enquire about having Paul speak at your next event.
We will send you his Speaker & Media Kit

Featured Keynote / Workshops


Keynote 1: The Boardroom of the Future

The world is changing, fast. Board and directors must embrace new technology, diverse perspectives and techniques to improve their governance performance; cultivating innovative, inclusive and more informed, decision-making cultures.

Key highlights:

  • Is the current boardroom ‘fit for purpose’?

  • How do we enhance  Board Intelligence?

  • Why does individual director performance matter?  

Workshop 1: Effective Decision-Making in the Diverse Boardroom

(Neuro)Diversity is a source of resilience, innovation, strength and ultimately assurance. It has many levers - age, gender, race, skills, background. However, once you have overcome the barriers to diversity you are only halfway there. You need an inclusive culture and the right leadership to turn this diversity into something truly effective. 

Key highlights:

  • The challenges of decision-making in a diverse group

  • It’s not always about consensus, it’s about collective movement

  • Deep Democracy: the tool for difficult decisions


Enquire about having Paul speak at your next event