Kartik Madhira:

Taking the steps to become an influencer


Kartik Madhira thought his greatest passion was the issue of environmental sustainability. He currently works at the local government level as a sustainability officer for the City of Parramatta, and his role allows him the opportunity to educate households, businesses and the city council on the importance of energy efficiency, renewables and sustainable operations.

But through the Future Directors Board Director Program, Kartik realised that his ultimate goal was to be a board director so he could use his voice and vision for a sustainable future to create better communities, better societies and better people. By understanding the source of his passion more clearly and defining his unique value proposition, Kartik feels he is certainly on his way to a position of leadership on a board.

Kartik joined the program because he has been ambitious about gaining greater authority to stand up for what he believes in. He always strived for more efficiency in decision making and betterment of society, which was why he conscientiously decided to work for the local government. However, his next logical step was to learn from the program to take action so he could advance his career as an influencer.

Listening to and engaging with the guest speakers were definitely some of the most enriching parts of the program for Kartik. Hearing first hand about how boards of various organisations worked, what the day to day functioning of board looked like and how boards executed actions was extraordinarily helpful. The speakers did not just lecture but truly engaged with all the program participants by expanding on details and honestly answering all questions. For Kartik, the guidance and supportive network motivated him only further to move ever forward with his vision for his career.

The diversity of the participant group, in age and sectors of work, also was a great plus for Kartik. He was not only surrounded with others who were passionate about sustainability, but those who were passionate about a huge variety of things, which was quite the inspiring environment.

Kartik is confident he is working ever closer to his first board position and he’s had a great experience so far in making that ambition a reality.

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