Naming, shaming, and praising
Paul Smith Paul Smith

Naming, shaming, and praising

Future Directors and Future Boards know in their bones that, yes, it’s important to avoid risks. But just as important, is seeking rewards. In a small way, that’s what these Awards are all about. Encouraging reward-seeking behaviour by creating a reward for reward-seeking behaviour.

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The E in ESG
Inside the Boardroom Natalie Musico Inside the Boardroom Natalie Musico

The E in ESG

Future Directors know the tide is turning. That climate action now, makes for a more stable business environment in the future, and forges immediate public goodwill. And that it isn’t just up to the big end of town – it’s also up to the small and mid fish to tighten their supply chain credentials too, including Scope 3 Emissions.

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Boardroom Biases: Do as Apple says, not as they do.
Insights Natalie Musico Insights Natalie Musico

Boardroom Biases: Do as Apple says, not as they do.

Our 2022 Boardroom Biases Survey results are out. For the most part it’s good news, but boardrooms are still favouring cognitive clones.

There’s an acronym that describes a phenomena in social science studies: Most of the participants are WEIRD. That is, Western, Educated, and from Industrialised, Rich, Democratic countries. And that’s weird. That’s not representative of the entire scope of lived experience or human thought. What’s the point of diversity in the boardroom if everyone in the boardroom is WEIRD?

True diversity is brain deep. 

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How to spot a Future Director
Getting into Governance Paul Smith Getting into Governance Paul Smith

How to spot a Future Director

Technology’s growing. Society’s shifting. Economies are morphing. The business world and real world are blurring together. With lots of change (but also promise) on the horizon, boards need a new kind of board director fit to tackle it and lead their organisations into a fairer, safer, smarter future.

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Inspired for Impact: What do we need to change in the boardroom?
Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith

Inspired for Impact: What do we need to change in the boardroom?

Recently, I joined Christina Gerakiteys, co-CEO of SingularityU Australia on the ‘Inspired for Impact’ podcast.

I was invited to discuss 5 important elements that I think need to change in the boardroom in order for them to be more effective. It was such a great chat, I wanted to share the key messages of my chat here with you (including two additional factors exclusive to this article).

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