Boardroom hustle #31
Lauren Harrell: The power of networking (both off and online)
This week’s Boardroom Hustle guest is Lauren Harrell, a highly experienced board director that has served over a dozen not-for-profits and for-profit boards, and who also happens to be under the age of 40 – which, in governance, makes Lauren quite a rare find indeed!
Lauren manages to juggle a complex day job, four separate board roles (one of which she chairs on), plus motherhood. She’s a truly encouraging figure for anyone seeking to get into the boardroom, and her superpowers include conscious networking and an obsession with learning.
In this episode, Lauren gives us a detailed insight into the benefits of networking and teaches us some of the most effective ways to network both online, and offline.
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Lauren and Paul chat about a range of different topics, including:
The benefits of knowing your Gallup strengths, and how Lauren used hers to shape her board value proposition
The various ways she’s been able to apply those Gallup strengths in different situations
Lauren’s experience being a younger director, and the challenges that can bring
Have these challenges changed for the better over her career? Or are they still relatively the same?
How to get the most out of any younger board director
What made Lauren consider starting a board career back in her 20s
How Lauren networks, and whether the recent pandemic has changed the way networking can occur
Why is the boardroom such a natural fit for some people?
What are some of the things Lauren has learnt throughout her journey?
If there are topics that you’re particularly interested in or any new buzzwords floating around, we’d love to hear from you so that we can talk about these ideas on the show - contact us at hello@futuredirectors.com